Deși fiecare ministru al Educației a simțit nevoia de a face schimbări, de dragul de a le face, proaspăt numitul în funcția de șef al învățământului anunță că 2025 va fi un an fără modificări la examenul de bacalaureat.
The main conceptual idea is that the Romanian Minister of Education, Daniel David, announces there will be no changes to the Baccalaureate exam in 2025.
He acknowledges concerns about the current system, citing ineffective teaching methods and unfriendly textbooks, but emphasizes focusing on developing key competencies in students instead of solely focusing on test scores. The new plan for studying subjects in high school will be discussed at the end of the month.
The main conceptual idea is that the Romanian Minister of Education, Daniel David, announces there will be no changes to the Baccalaureate exam in 2025. He acknowledges concerns about the current system, citing ineffective teaching methods and unfriendly textbooks, but emphasizes focusing on developing key competencies in students instead of solely focusing on test scores. The new plan for studying subjects in high school will be discussed at the end of the month.